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11 Unique Pallet Projects You Can Do This Weekend For Cheap

One of the great things about pallet's is that you can repurpose them into a variety of useful household items. From making them into herb gardens, to tables, and more, we'll show you a variety of ways you can reuse and repurpose wooden pallets into something that looks fantastic around the house.

And if you don't already have a pallet at home, you can easily find them. Just head to your local shopping center and find the shipping area (usually around the back of the building). You should find a few usable ones by the dumpsters.

Without further ado, here are some excellent ways to make something great with a wooden pallet...

1. Pallet Herb Garden

Cooking with fresh herbs is an easy way to make your food both tastier and healthier. But you may not have the space for a full herb garden or maybe you have a blank wall that needs a little something extra. Either way, one of the fastest and easiest uses for an old pallet is to turn it into a wall mounted herb garden. It's a super simple project that requires just a few simple tools and an hour of your time.

From: Morning Chores

2. Pallet Headboard

pallet headboard

There's no cooler way to add some rustic appeal to your bedroom and get a headboard for cheap than to repurpose some old pallets. This durable headboard can be built as high and as wide as you want and you can stain it to match your room or leave the natural wood look.

From: Thinking Closet

3. DIY Pallet Accent Wall

pallet accent wall diy

If your walls need some texture that another can of paint just can't add, check out this crazy simple pallet wall. It adds texture to your house, gives you a modern rustic feel, and it's very simple to build. All you need is a circular saw, square, and some liquid nails. You can leave the color natural or stain it to match the wood in your house. You can also kick it up by staining and painting boards different colors and alternating them with the natural wood color.

From: Addicted 2 DIY

4. Pallet Bar

pallet bar

Talk about a conversation starter. You can build this custom bar for your man space for almost nothing. For just a few bucks, a few hours, and some stuff that you most likely already have around the house you can get one just like it except built to match your style.

From: Morning Chores

5. Pallet Compost Bin

pallet compost bin

Starting a garden? The best fertilizer is the compost you make yourself. But most compost heaps generally make your yard look like a combination of hoarders and trailer park boys. Here's a way to keep your wife happy and your yard classy. It takes just a few pallets, some hinges, a drill, and some plastic.

From: Instructables

6. Pallet Desk

pallet desk

Need an ultra sick desk for your office? You can easily make this desk any height you want - including standing height and even build a custom pallet stool so you can sit or stand. No matter how you use it, this is a very unique way to add a unique touch to your office.

From: Fringe Focus

7. Pallet Bookshelf

pallet bookshelf

This very cool bookshelf can be built and spruced up any way you want. You can stain it to match your decor, add some rustic iron to the outside, or even add some leather to make it more rugged. This plan is for building this exact shelf but I'm sure you can figure out how to improvise and add as many shelves as you want.

From: Jen Woodhouse

8. Sectional Outdoor Sofa

pallet sofa

If your deck needs some durable outdoor furniture then pallets are your friend. I know what you're thinking, this looks incredibly uncomfortable. And you're right. But this is the frame and not the final product. In the final product, this frames covered with cushioning and material. Check it out and try it for yourself.

From: Easy Pallet Ideas

9. Pallet Deck Chairs

pallet deck chair

Need an Adirondack to match you're newly built deck couch? Here you go. This is a little more advanced and takes a few more tools but if you're handy and have a few hours, you can bust out two or three of these on a Saturday. With your new couch and chairs, you can have all of your friends over for BBQ and season your food with fresh herbs from your pallet herb garden.

From: Home Stratosphere

10. Pallet Clock

pallet clock

It doesn't take much to build this one out. Just a few pieces of pallet wood, a clock kit, and some paint. This unique clock works great in an office, as an outdoor deck clock, or even in an office.

From: Thistle Wood Farms

11. Kitchen Island

pallet kitchen island

Need a little more space in the kitchen but don't have the budget for a permanent kitchen island right now? This pallet island makes an excellent addition to any kitchen and takes only a few bucks and some elbow grease to build.

From: Noting Grace

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